Alonso Serrano //

I started in 1991 at El Independiente, as a “laborante”, a word that is no longer used but that means “the one that revealed and positive in negatives”.

The Nuevo Lunes Group was my first job as a photographer, in its publications: EL Siglo, Nuevo Lunes, Exclubsivo, Azul Marino.

I have worked in different media, from press […]

Alonso Serrano //2018-07-26T10:21:08+01:00

Javier Caballero //


The first time that I looked through the viewfinder of a camera I fell in love with this profession, with the feeling of being able to tell stories and the responsibility of being the viewer’s eyes. I combined my technical studies (specialising in audiovisual media) with a job as a cameraman on the local channel […]

Javier Caballero //2018-07-26T10:14:41+01:00

María Prada //

Impact producer

A graduate in Publicity and Public Relations (UCM), I have dedicated myself professionally to Audiovisual Production since the year 2000, participating in documentary, feature-length and short film, television programmes, videos and animation projects. Incredibly varied projects, from productions very close to home to large international co-productions, and in all of them I have found […]

María Prada //2018-03-06T18:21:15+01:00

Juan Aballe Aramburu //

Photography. Direction. New narratives.

Having studied science at university, my passion for photography and narrative communication led my career towards audiovisual creation. Since then, and up to the present day, I have completed and photographed a wide range of productions for different clients in Spain and Germany. My subsequent transition towards the user-driven digital environment (UX) […]

Juan Aballe Aramburu //2018-03-06T18:22:01+01:00

Alberto Pascual //


My name is Alberto Pascual Rodríguez and I was born in San Sebastián in 1959. I have always been attracted by the infinite narrative possibilities offered by the combination of image and sound.

I am currently a producer. After finishing my studies, I started out in the image trade as an apprentice. That curious and experimental […]

Alberto Pascual //2018-03-06T18:22:20+01:00
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